Saturday, September 12, 2009

Weekly News

Thank you to Carsen's mom for volunteering to put our Saturday Live basket together. It is a CANDY theme the student's chose this year. Please send your donated sweet treats as soon as you can to fill the basket and earn money for Arrowhead School.

There was a SCHOLASTIC glitch with our username and password for online book orders. Please note that is has been changed to j3arrowhead with password still the same. Scholastic has added a new piece this year to online ordering. For every order you send online, our classroom will receive a FREE book! What a great way to ensure we have fresh, new exciting materials in our library for AR reading!

The students thought Math was hard this week! We are learning place value up to the 100,000nds place. Students must be able to read, write, and expand the numbers up to this place. Any practice at home would benefit your child.

We will do our beginning of the year NWEA testing this next week. Our times slots are Monday and Friday morning.

Fall is on the way!